Old Foundations (short story)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Old Foundations was a Jenny Everywhere short story written by Robert Quick. Although a sequel to the first installment of The Many Lives of Jenny Everywhere, it was not considered a part thereof in its own right.



Now creeping on the ground in the shrubbery surrounding the enemy castle, Jenny tries to avoid attracting the guards' attention despite their being on high alert from the appearance of Professor Wulfe's airship. As she tries to reach a wall to scale, she mentally ponders her old friend's thirst for dramatics.


Jenny Everywhere



  • Old Foundations is a direct sequel to PROSE: Falling Short, picking up exactly where the earlier one left off. In the earlier story, Professor Wulfe was only referred to as “the Professor”.

Behind the scenes

Read online

Old Foundations was made available on Ficly, at this link, where it is still available.