Mother Nature (Universe Gemini)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In Universe Gemini, however, Mother Nature was a real being and the humanoid manifestation of the planet Earth itself.

She appeared as a matronly dark-skinned woman with light green hair, wearing a blue, star-speckled dress and a green, vine-like bracelet on her left wrist. When angry, she could summon storm-clouds and lightning from her firsts.

She once appeared without warning to Zed Hudson to answer a purely rhetorical question he'd asked of “Mother Nature” concerning the instability of the weather, angrily protesting that she was “doing her best” under the circumstances (namely, being “an aging full-damn planet full of psychotic, parasitic apes while going through menopause”). (COMIC: Zed Vs. Mother Nature)

She was later seen casually walking through a city street. Zed briefly tried flirting with her, their prior conflict apparently water under the bridge, though Mother Nature still looked mildly annoyed to see him. (COMIC: Zed Vs. Attraction)

Behind the scenes

Mother Nature in Universe Gemini is not the same person as the superhero Mother Naturist on Earth-N, although they have similar powers and appearances.