
From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Minrath was an evil overlord of unclear origins who once attempted to take over Ezri's home.


Physical appearance

Minrath had the appearance of a tall humanoid figure. His body seemed made of lava, covered only partially by items of armour that seemed made of rusted metal. His hands an head appeared to be made of coal or black stone, with his head being a skull without a jawbone, floating above his shoulders, not visibly attached to them; an inner red light glowed from within through the nose and eye sockets, with two plumes of smoke rising up through the latter. (COMIC: Infinity Apartment)


Though power-hungry, Minrath appeard to be a fairly practical, level-headed man, opting to gamble his possible victory on a game of Monopoly, agreeing to forfeit the world if he lost, rather than risk everything on an all-out battle with the Chosen One. (COMIC: Infinity Apartment)

Powers & abilities

Minrath had a myriad of magical powers, including the ability to create P-Unda servants from ordinary raw eggs, bringing them to a kind of animate life. (COMIC: Infinity Apartment)


At some point after Ezri left her universe to become Jenny Everywhere's flatmate at the Infinity Apartment, Minrath overran said universe, notably creating the P-Unda to assist him. A Lady who knew that Ezri was secretly the “Champion of Prophecy” fated to defeat Minrath summoned her back to the world, with her coming alongside Jenny, Thuban and ShatterScreen. She became separated from the others but was helped by the knight Quinn in making her way to Minrath's volcanic, “humble lair”. Recognising her as the prophesied Marked One, Minrath proposed that they fulfill the prophecy by playing a game of Monopoly with the world for stakes, thus avoiding risking either of their lives. (COMIC: Infinity Apartment)