MechaGiantJunterling (comic story)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

MechaGiantJunterling was the third comic strip of the Necroomies webcomic, created by Jonathan Reich.



Junter reflects, in front of his jaded assistant Ibdis, about the failures of his various past plots to take over the world.




  • Junter's past attempts to take over the world included “unleashing a giant Junterling on Tokyo” in Japan (later repeated with a mechanical version of the same), harnessing “the power of the Crystal Skull”, sending an assassin back in time to assassinate the first President of the United States, and trying multiple times to “capture Pikachu”.
  • In life, Junter worked as a lawyer, but he was dismissed from the bar for gross incompetence.

Behind the scenes

Read online

MechaGiantJunterling is available online on the Necroomies website.