Mark A. Cooper

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

British writer and cartoonist Mark A. Cooper created the webcomic Paper or Plastic, a strip of which featured a guest appearance by Jenny Everywhere for Jenny Everywhere Day 2010. His bio on the Paper or Plastic website read:

As the bio of my digital counterpart states, I'm a transplanted Englishman (born 1971) who came to the USA for good in 2005, moving to Connecticut from just outside Doncaster, South Yorkshire. And I did get divorced in October 2008 - very amicably.

I am a nerd, as well as being shy and socially awkward (though being the former doesn't instantly mean the latter in most cases, it must be said). I've been into computers since the mid-Eighties, so I've had plenty of time to cultivate both my typing speed and my nerdiness.

In a previous customer-service job, I created a sort of larger-than-life version of myself, which I "step into" when working. It seems to work pretty well, since I get a lot of compliments from customers about my cheerful disposition, even when I'm feeling like I just want to go home and curl up into the fœtal position.

When I'm not drawing the strips, I like to play all sorts of games on my computer, collect dice, write poetry (had a couple published, too), read, cook, watch DVDs, listen to music, and do cross-stitch. Quite a few men cross-stitch, thank you very much.

And I really do want world peace…

I've been doodling and cartooning in a very amateurish way a few times over the years, but I wasn't very happy with my lack of drawing ability. What changed my mind was seeing a couple of web comics with rather more… basic cartooning than I was doing, so I figured I'd give it a shot and see what people think.

Mark A. Cooper


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