Lady Satan (925th Universe)

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(Redirected from Marietta Over-There)

The original identity of the 925th Universe's version of the occultist and superheroine Lady Satan was Marietta “Mary” Over-There, Jenny Over-There's cousin. Born around 1998, she was active in the 21st century.


Physical appearance

Marietta had a “stilted, posh voice made for reading large tomes with perfect enunciation”. Her “resting face” bore “a permanent sneer which, combined with her dark hair and red dress, gave the impression of an unamused flapper who’d somehow found their way to the 21st century”. (PROSE: A Very Jenny Over-There Christmas (2024 reedit))

She typically wore a red dress with a black coat on top, in a rather fancy style. To change into her Lady Satan persona, she merely added a domino mask to the ensemble. (PROSE: A Very Jenny Over-There Christmas)


As a teen, Marietta wanted to believe she was special, and, drawn into a dangerous spiral of fanaticism by her forays into the occult, killed a cat as part of a ritual which she believed would destroy the world. However, she was not without empathy, and seeing her cousin's reaction to the act snapped her out of the destructive loop; from then on, plagued by nightmares of the crime and her reaction to it, a repentant Marietta pledged to use her powers for good as the heroic “Lady Satan”.

Like Jenny, Marietta had no romantic or sexual interest in men, something she'd realised before she turned fourteen. (PROSE: A Very Jenny Over-There Christmas)

Powers & abilities

From an early age, Marietta/Lady Satan was a talented, knowledgeable occultist who was able to contact Nyarlathotep. As an adult, she had mastered such abilities as teleporting across the Atlantic in an instant by stepping through a jagged red portal, and drawing “water sigils” which could cause it to rain indoors with sufficient force to quench a house-fire. (PROSE: A Very Jenny Over-There Christmas)


Early life

As they grew up, she and her cousin Jenny were the best of friends. Highlights of their interactions included “playing tag, talking about boys in a way that made it very clear that neither of [them] felt any attraction towards them despite feigning it due to societal norms”, and watching “scary movies” such as The Little Shop of Horrors, “[not] even the good one” but the one “with the bad paper mâché plant”. (PROSE: A Very Jenny Over-There Christmas) By another telling, the two were kinder to the film, with Marietta simply describing it as not even being “the scary one”, prompting Jenny to comment that really, neither of the films had been meant to be scary. Despite its relative unscariness, the young Marietta was very frightened of the nasal-voiced plant and had recurring nightmares about it. At any rate, the other two girls also amused themselves by “looking at all those goofy pictures in the John Dee translation of the Necronomicon”. (PROSE: A Very Jenny Over-There Christmas (2024 reedit))

However, a fourteen-years-old Marietta got drawn into occultism and, making contact with Nyarlathotep, was convinced by him to sacrifice Jenny's cat Grober in a ritual to summon Yog-Sothoth. Heartbroken and horrified, Jenny ceased all contacts with Marietta for ten years, during which Marietta, brought to her senses by her cousin's reaction, sought to atone for her mistake by using her magic for good as the heroic “Lady Satan”. By December 2022, she had joined an esoteric society called the Order of the Red Key, (PROSE: A Very Jenny Over-There Christmas) becoming an Acolyte within its hierarchy, and she had begun her activities as Lady Satan around Halloween, notably stopping the Wrexham Crisp Fiend. She had inherited the “Lady Satan” persona from her mother, who had herself been preceded by her grandmother. (PROSE: A Very Jenny Over-There Christmas (2024 reedit))

Christmas 2022

On Christmas Eve 2022, Jenny Over-There took her leave from the M.F.S. office and drove back to the Over-There family home. There, though happy to see her parents, she was upset to find Marietta, whom she had not forgiven for killing Grober. She briefly tried making conversation but Marietta's seemingly overly casual attitude about the event soon caused her to storm upstairs to her room, where she listlessly switched on the television. However, after a while, Marietta came up to join her and explained that she had in fact regretted the deed bitterly for these ten years, and it had driven her to start using her powers for good. She further revealed that she had, at last, found a safe way to magically bring Grober back to life, gifting Jenny a magical coin which would allow the both of them to visit the Underworld to bring Grober back.

After Jenny forgave her, Marietta noticed reports on the televised news about an ongoing crisis at the Dibbsy Store in America, and abruptly asked Jenny for its exact address, which Jenny gave; Jenny was surprised, though only mildly so, when she then learned the truth about her cousin by seeing the news broadcast continue by reporting on the sudden appearance at the scene of the magic-wielding superhero Lady Satan. (PROSE: A Very Jenny Over-There Christmas) On the scene, she briefly met Dynamite Thor, talking him out of going back into the burning building to pay for his Dibbsy Toaster by promising to smooth things over with the police. The subsequent TV interview gave her the chance to formally announce herself to the world, though she insisted that she had been active for a little while that her story had been “covered in five minor publications” already. (PROSE: A Very Jenny Over-There Christmas (2024 reedit))

Afterwards, Marietta reappeared in the Over-There family home went down to have Christmas dinner with her family, pleased to see that Marietta had already returned and would share in the meal. (PROSE: A Very Jenny Over-There Christmas)

Incarnations of Lady Satan
925th Universe