Lauren Ipsum Drake

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In one universe where superheroes were commonplace, Laura Drake was actually a Dragon who had taken human form, adopting the alias “Lauren Ipsum Drake”. Her human form was a red-haired woman, who sometimes wore dresses. She maintained this civilian identity but also a superhero identity in which she made no secret of her ability to “shapeshift into” a huge draconic form. She was friends with the Shifter, who was also active as a superhero.

On one occasion, a giant robot attacked downtown New York half an hour before Laura and Jenny were slated to have lunch. With the Shifter finding her teleportation-based powers ineffective against the mech, she tried to persuade Laura to step in, though she was reluctant, as she was in civilian clothes. Successfully persuaded, she finally shifted into her true form, entrusting her human clothes to Jenny, and charged in dragon form at the robot, who was significantly smaller than her. She easily knocked it to the ground and mauled it until it ceased moving. Jenny was much impressed with this display, suggesting that their preset lunch date was fast turning into an actual date in her mind. (PROSE: Truth in Labeling)

Incarnations of Laura Drake
775th Universe38167th UniverseJenny Cornelius's worldHeroines Guild
Other notable versions of Laura Drake
The First Voyage Laura925th UniverseComedy Skits LauraSuperb Owl LauraJenny Everywhere and the Nowhere Spiral • More