Kokotomo (Kaza's Mate, Gwenna comic story)

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Kokotomo is a chapter from the Kaza’s Mate, Gwenna webcomic.


Continuing from the last chapter, Up The River, Kaza and Gwenna wish to have a normal day after everything they've encountered and Nula agrees, suggesting that the both of them should take a vacation.

Suddenly, a green aura on a desk in the tree house appears and it comes from a green envelope. As the nudist couple investigate it, Gwenna claims that she recognizes it, saying that it materialized before during the time The Skull caused chaos in the Naked Jungle earlier but it disappeared after a short while.

Reading the letter is being read, they discover that it's from Mr. Montibar, who's inviting the four of them to Kokotomo. Just as Gwenna wonders how to get there, a mysterious portal opens up which leads them to Kokotomo and the first person they see there is Merv the Griffin who greets them.

As the four of them are strolling along the beach, Kaza asks his wife how does she know that they're in a safe place. She explains that Captain Evening sent her some photos of the both of them with him inside that they have yet seen taken before. As they're discussing when are they, Mr. Montibar introduces himself and tells them that they are in Kokotomo, a place that nothing ages without any harm because it's outside the reality of time. He continues by saying that whatever you desire can be granted here and asks the elderly couple to follow him because he knows exactly what they want.

The nudist couple is then left on their own to explore the island and they meet Captain Evening who is sunbathing with Centennia. In the middle of their small talk, when Nula is being mentioned, Centennia flies away and that puzzles the rest of them. The scene cuts to the elderly couple who are shown a jar containing pills which Montibar explains to them will grant their greatest desire after taking one. Smedley is still uncertain about this but Nula decides to take one after being told by Gwenna that anything on Kokotomo is safe. She starts glowing in her birthday suit after consuming one.

The scene cuts back to Evening being a guide to the nudist couple and as it turns, a number of people are enjoying a nudist lifestyle on the beach besides the three of them, including Scale as well as Aggie. Suddenly the peace they enjoy on the beach is being interrupted by Smedley and Montibar who have exciting news for them. Nula in her rejuvenated form with muscular arms and wearing a pink bikini with spots is being introduced by Montibar. Everyone, including Nula herself is overjoyed about her youthful appearance but the excitement is short-lived after Evening mentions Centennia and that sends her running away.

Everyone is shocked about why Nula reacts in this manner but Smedley who has known her for a long time starts explaining to them her relationship with Centennia. He tells them that the both of them are lovers who are as thick as thieves until Hitler mind-controls Centennia and makes her fight with Nula. Nula nearly died from the outcome but fortunately, Smedley stepped in by knocking him out before Centennia could deliver the killing blow. After that incident, the both of them go their separate ways. He then warns Montibar that if Centennia injures his girlfriend again, the latter has to answer to him but the head of Kokotomo assures the comissioner that whatever that happens here will only lead to positive results and the conversation among them ends with Evening expressing his puzzlement over the comissioner being able to knock out Hitler with one punch.

The scene cuts back to Nula searching for Centennia and after being reunited, the both of them reconcile with each other. Centennia tells her that everyone she bonded with died of old age because of her immortality and trying to get over it is the reason why Hitler was able to mind control her easily. So the real reason why she left is because of hurting Nula again and she asks the latter for forgiveness which she receives graciously. Both of them are later alerted by Jenny Everywhere about a party going to start soon.

The scene cuts to Smedley and the nudist couple who are now dressed for the luau in Hawaiian garb. Smedley is pretty tensed that with Centennia being back in the rejuvenated Nula's life might end his relationship with his girlfriend even though he's happy for her and despite Gwenna assuring him that everything will turn out well. The three of them attend the luau with Abui being the only one naked and where Nula, now wearing a green dress is overjoyed to see Smedley and eager to tell him the positive news about the pill which restored her youth. Later, Montibar wish to have the honor of explaining to him further details about it and mentions that the effect is permanent. He adds on by giving the choice to Smedley to regain his youth as well but the latter declines on simply walks away for unknown reasons. Centennia then tells the puzzled Nula to go after her boyfriend before she loses him forever and says to Everywhere that she hope's the couple are able to get back together.

Nula catches up to her boyfriend at the beach and asks the latter about what's bothering him. Smedley then replies that unlike her, he has no intention of reliving his youth and it's pointless for the both of them to be a couple with her looking like a young woman and him, an old man. Nula then scolded him for not looking at the bigger picture and explains to him that with her regained youth, she's able to start a family with him and to make her point clear, she strips down to her birthday suit which clearly indicates that she wants to copulate with him.

The scene cuts to Evening taking a picture of him and the nudist couple which explains how Gwenna receives the image of the three of them in Kokotomo from him. Centennia later joins them whom Gwenna asks what happened to Smedley and Nula. Centennia tells her that both of them patch things up and are apparently having a steamy night on the beach. Nula and Smedley wake up the next morning in their birthday suits. She tells him that she wants to do everything she missed out besides having kids fathered by him. Smedley tells her that he's willing to help her accomplish her goals but only by doing it as an old man. Both of them later get married with Gwenna as the flower girl and Montibar as the officiant. When Nula tosses her bouquet of flowers at the crowd after kissing her newly wedded husband, it lands in Silveron's hand who maintains her grumpy appearance as usual.