Jenny Redhead (comic story)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Jenny Redhead was a standalone Jenny Everywhere story written and drawn by Lorca.



Three versions of Jenny Everywhere who share the unusual characteristic of having brown skin and red hair meet up!



  • Three versions of Jenny Everywhere physically meet.
  • One of the Jennies has natural red hair, and states that her parents were both mixed-race.
  • Another dyes red ends onto her naturally dark hair.
  • The third wears a bizarre costume.

Behind the scenes


A first version of this fourth-wall-breaking cartoon was posted in October of 2014. The version shown above, however, is an updated version with additional shading, published on February the 21st, 2015.

In the initial upload, the author had this to say about the inspiration behind the cartoon:

I've noticed there are two ways people seem to be drawing Jenny Everywhere: as some kind of Asian/Native American or as a white redhead. So I decided to try and combine the two ideas. After coming up with two "serious" designs I then went and drew something silly.

(What happened to middle Jenny's shoe: I started drawing her too close to the edge of the paper, and without the line art for that bit I couldn't get the color to be the right shape so I just blurred it.)


Read Online

The first and second versions of Jenny Redhead were published on the author's DeviantArt DeviantArt page. The updated version was also made available for download on the author's website as a .pdn file.