Jenny Everywhere and the Even More Annoyingly-Titled Sequel to "Jenny Everywhere and the Rather Annoyingly Titled Sequel to "Jenny Everywhere and the Very Short Story"" (short story)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Jenny Everywhere and the Even More Annoyingly-Titled Sequel to "Jenny Everywhere and the Rather Annoyingly Titled Sequel to "Jenny Everywhere and the Very Short Story"" was a piece of flash fiction written by Aquanafrahudy which was released in 2024, on the same day as Jenny Everywhere and the Very Short Story and Jenny Everywhere and the Rather Annoyingly-Titled Sequel to “Jenny Everywhere and the Very Short Story”, which it acted as a sequel to.



Jenny Everywhere lets out a blood-curdling screech.

Having ruined the joke of the first story, the narrator decided to carry on as "these are rather fun". In a "daring act of outstanding fanwankery", the narrator reveals themselves to be the the Narrator in Grey. Jenny doesn't recognise the narrator, much to their annoyance, and they reveal that they're the Man in Grey's evil cousin, there to stop Jenny having adventures.

Jenny gives the narrator a telling-off, and the two go on adventures together and live happily ever after, until the next day when the universe the stories took place in imploded "because it didn’t particularly fancy another one of these Tumblr flash-fic things".

Miranda, the universe the stories take place in, signs off.




Behind the scenes

Read online

The story was originally released on Tumblr here.