Jenny Everywhere 2 (My Bloody Valentine)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In one universe, one incarnation of Jenny Everywhere was a glamorous jewel-thief in a relationship with an elegant and talented master-thief.

Though he'd originally promised to take her to Paris for Valentine's Day, they had to cancel to make use of an opportunity to steal a huge diamond (COMIC: My Bloody Valentine) at the Louvre. (PROSE: Morning After) Although they ended up tripping the alarm, the master-thief told Jenny not to worry about him, and instead to take the diamond and escape. The Jenny who dated David (to whom she was physically identical) was later shown to have shifted the diamond in question to her house. (COMIC: My Bloody Valentine)

One Jenny believed that this Jenny was killed while trying to get away with the diamond, and was the one being buried in the Graveyard when yet another Jenny first discovered her nature as “the Shifter”. However, other Jennies in attendance believed they were burying a Jenny who'd died in a plane crash or who “had been shot by somebody's wife”. (COMIC: The Death of Jenny Everywhere)

Another Jenny later recalled how another version of her had “gotten into trouble” trying to steal a diamond at the Louvre, citing her to Eric. (PROSE: Morning After)