Jenny Everywhere (2403rd Universe)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

One incarnation of Jenny Everywhere, a LEGO minifigure, was native to one universe.


Physical appearance

This Jenny was a LEGO minifigure, which unfortunately meant that, while she was conscious, she was trapped in an inanimate object; her body was ABS plastic. This Jenny was Asian in appearance, with dark brown hair styled in short pigtails. She wore a brown scarf, black goggles, a leather jacket over a grey shirt, and brown trousers with high black boots. (COMIC: Guys, I Don't Think This is Awesome?)


This Jenny was in Bricksburg when Jenny Everywhere shifted into her universe. She quickly discovered the LEGO Jenny, realising her horrible predicament. Concurrently, Peter Griffin watched this unfold on television in his universe. (COMIC: Guys, I Don't Think This is Awesome?)

The LEGO Jenny later appeared in a drawing by the other Jenny as an example of the various forms Jennies had taken. (COMIC: Who is Jenny Everywhere?)

Behind the scenes

This Jenny wasn't the first to be depicted with a LEGO minifigure, that honour going to the Jenny Everywhere from COMIC: Jenny Everywhere and the Golden Key, however Guys, I Don't Think This is Awesome? was the first time a Jenny had been diegetically LEGO.

Incarnations of Jenny Everywhere
Recurring protagonists
Steven Wintle's JennyName's Not Down JennyMy Bloody Valentine JennyPreludes and Distractions JennyJhenni EverywhereReality Z-25 31-HParallax UniverseAce Rules OK! JennyJenny CorneliusHeroine's Guild Jenny3rd Universe775th Universe925th Universe38167th Universe1511th UniverseMirandaPsychopomp Jenny
Other notable versions of Jenny Everywhere
“Barbarian” Jenny“Biker” JennyCha NiGenevieve, Princess of Everywhere“Musketeer” Jenny“Ninja” JennyOriginal Parallax Jenny NowhereParallax Jenny Nowhere“Shih tzu” JennyMore