Jenny Everywhere's granny (A World of Pure Unimagination)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In an unnamed universe, Jenny Everywhere had a granny. She was presumably Native American.


At some point, Jenny Everywhere and her granny watched a film about a sweet little boy who visited a chocolate factory with four other children; her granny criticised how, despite children being chosen from across the world, all of them were white. While Jenny knew that while that wasn't entirely accurate, as the children hadn't been chosen but had rather won, lucked or bought their respective ways in, she she didn't argue the point. She was actually slightly resentful and disappointed nobody like her was able to visit. (PROSE: A World of Pure Unimagination)


Jenny Everywhere later remembered her granny's opinions on the film when she shifted into "a world of pure imagination". (PROSE: A World of Pure Unimagination)