Jenny Everywhere's Rules (comic story)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Jenny Everywhere's Rules was a one-page Jenny Everywhere comic story created by Jack Harvey, focusing on his default Jenny.



Jenny, wandering around a countryside in a universe she's visiting for the first time, presumptuously borrows some milk from a milking room on a farm before realising that she's just done something quite inappropriate, as this is a world inhabited by sapient, bipedal bovines. This illustrates Rule 36 of Jenny Everywhere's Rules of the Multiverse.


Jenny Everywhere


  • The story takes place in a universe where the Earth is populated by sapient, bipedal cows.


Behind the scenes


When posting the story, Jack Harvey gave it the following intro:

Holy Smokes! A Jenny Everywhere Comic!

It's been a while, and the whole community itself seems to have hit a sleeper at the moment, so I thought I'd bring up some new material. I like the idea of doing some more strips being about different rules, so we'll see what the future brings.

Jack Harvey

Read online

The story's single page is available both on DeviantArt and on the author's blog. It is additionally mirrored here with the permission of Jack Harvey.