Genie (The Interlude of Jenny Everywhere)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In the Prime Universe, a Genie was manning the desk of the Company of Free Genies' shop in the Home City when the Mad Marquess and Jenny Everywhere visited it at the almost the same time.


Physical appearance

Though much older than he appeared, the Genie's form was that of a young child with skin that seemed made of ruby, his head shaven “but for a single lock of hair, braided intricately, in the fashion of Ancient Egyptian children”. He wore a simple black robe which complemented his red skin. (PROSE: The Interlude of Jenny Everywhere)


The Genie had a calm, cryptic manner. However, he was quite capable of getting annoyed with rude customers, and willing to maliciously interpret such customers' wishes to get them out of his hair. (PROSE: The Interlude of Jenny Everywhere)

Powers & abilities

This Genie possessed fairly powerful magical powers, including the ability to create interdimensional vortices and to alter his appearance at will. His magic appeared to be red. (PROSE: The Interlude of Jenny Everywhere)


One day, the Genie was manning the desk of the Company of Free Genies' shop in the Home City when he received the visit of the Mad Marquess, an eccentric ghost with whom he was apparently already quite familiar. Before the ghost could voice a coherent request, the shop received a second visitor, Jenny Everywhere. Paying for her wish with a magic wand (which the Genie ate like a candy cane), Jenny asked to find out, and be transported to, the current whereabouts of the Lurigadawne of Dimension 77. The Genie granted the wish a little too well, transporting Jenny to the Lurigadawne's location even after she realised it was a place which she oughtn't have entered unannounced and uninvited. After she thus vanished, the Marquess tried to voice his own wish, but also berated the Genie for the delays and the lack of decorum evidenced by Jenny's interruption, annoying the Genie, who decided to interpret a figurative statement as a wish and teleport the Marquess after Jenny. (PROSE: The Interlude of Jenny Everywhere)