Dense universe (Soulless Mate)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

A subterranean, “dense”, decaying universe was watched over by Shiva through a magical well in his personal “Heaven”.

Its people had devolved into wretched, damned creatures who knew only pain and could conceive of no other desire than to inflict it upon others. Shiva wished to rescue these lost souls, but feared that his divine radiance would disintegrate the dense universe as soon as he entered it. This forced him to send down two mortals, instead, Jenny Everywhere and her boyfriend David.

Due to coming from a lighter universe, the two could already harness nigh-angelic power within the dense universe, their electrons spinning faster than everything around them — although they could only use those abilities in a zen frame of mind. Ultimately, they succeeded in inspiring the lost souls to ascend up the well, whereupon Shiva began tending to them. (COMIC: Soulless Mate)