

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In one universe, Creed was a human Paladin active in the modern day, who became the leader of O.O.P..


Physical appearance

Creed was a broad-shouldered man of average height. He had tan skin, brown eyes and a small black goatee. He wore a necklave with a Christian cross around his neck, as well as bronze armour in a Greek style, including a helmet with a red feathered crest. (COMIC: Adventurers and Heroes)


Creed was committed to his aims. He had some skill at leadership, spontaneously taking charge of the newly-formed O.O.P. and easily persuading the others to accept him as team leader. (COMIC: Look At His Dead Eyes) However, he was a poor strategist, neglecting practical options (such as using magic) because they didn't feel heroic enough. (COMIC: Pseudo Junterling)


Creed puts himself forward as leader of O.O.P.. (COMIC: Look At His Dead Eyes)

After the Pope was abducted by impoverished Lich Emperor Junter, a team of adventurers gathered to rescue him. They had not previously been familiar with one another and, after they met at the ground floor of the apartment building where Junter resided with his sidekick Ibdis, (COMIC: Adventurers and Heroes) Creed took it upon himself to start off the introductions, also putting himself forward as team leader. With Bob not having the ability to speak, Creed introduced him, and loudly insisted that he was a dangerous rogue when the others reacted with skepticism to the idea that a balloon could be a valuable addition to the team. (COMIC: Look At His Dead Eyes)

Creed mourning Bob. (COMIC: What Primal Helium?)

Creed suggested that “Plan A” be to send in a member of the team in disguise. Ignoring Sam's suggestion of using her magic to shapeshift a member of the team to look like Ibdis, he instead sent in Bob, posing as a Junterling. Naturally, Junter and the real Junterling saw right through the ruse. (COMIC: Pseudo Junterling) Bob was “killed”, and after Clear was distressed by his inability to hear him, Creed rubbed salt in the wound by mocking Clear's earlier professed belief that Bob was an inanimate object without thoughts or feelings. He was, himself, very moved by Bob's passing. (COMIC: What Primal Helium?)

Creed tries to goad Junter into a direct confrontation. (COMIC: You Disgust Me!)

Meanwhile, Junter drew his own, equally-incompetent plans in retaliation, focusing on “the Paladin” especially, with him being the intended target of a booby trap he tried unsuccessfully to set up in the corridor. (COMIC: Back To The Drawing Board) When Creed shouted from the street at Junter, daring to come down and face the adventurers head-on, Junter punctured their confidence by pointing out their lack of ethnic and gender diversity to them, something which they had not previously noticed. (COMIC: You Disgust Me!) Ultimately, he fled with the rest of O.O.P. out of awkwardness. (COMIC: Twist!)