
From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Clea was one of Jenny Everywhere's inseparable group of friends in one universe.



Clea had a friendly but somewhat sarcastic demeanour, being snarky and cynical about things from the get-go before she could be convinced to have earnest fun with any given idea of Jenny's. She was once seen to wear a T-shirt on which the words “What would Chomsky do?”, presumably summarising her political opinions. She was seen to lean on Lex's shoulder; it's unclear if this was because of her being generally prone to physical touch with friends, or if she had a special relationship with Lex. (COMIC: Name's Not Down)

Physical appearance

Clea had pale skin, short-cropped fair hair, arched eyebrows and a small flat nose. She was thinner and slightly shorter than Jenny, but had wide hips. (COMIC: Name's Not Down)


Clea had a PhD in Queer Theory and Pop Culture Studies. (COMIC: Damn Fine Hostile Takeover)

When Jenny Everywhere suggested she, Clea, Lex and Bradley attend a “queer hip-hop post-glitch electronica and glum'n'bass” party at Club Twart in Right-On By The Sea, Clea, though initially skeptica about the whole thing, ultimately joined the other three in forcing their entry past the close-minded Bouncer. (COMIC: Name's Not Down)

She later joined the other three in forcing entry in the London H.Q. of Apollo Coffee in an effort to save their favourite indie coffee shop, Cuppa Cha Cha Cha, from being bought out and closed down by their multinational competitor. Wielding an axe, Clea helped them fight off the Faceless Cyborg Ninjas that Apollo, who were surprisingly bald-faced about being evil, used for security.

After the adventure wrapped up, Clea was satisfied that they had struck a great blow against corporate evil, but also expressed a wish that things quiet down for a while. This wish was ill-timed however, as at that very moment, Jenny Nowhere arrived in Right-On By The Sea. (COMIC: Damn Fine Hostile Takeover)

Clea, Lex and Bradley were later among the many guests at an interdimensional Christmas party organised by another Jenny Everywhere and attended by many of her counterparts from across the Multiverse and their companions. (COMIC: Merry Christmas Everywhere)

When a different Jenny visited the seaside town to help prevent the pier burning down, she briefly bumped into a “butch chick” who she subconsciously remembered as a friend of her local self. She was the first to notice the fire, shouting “Fire! Pier’s on fire, ya wankers!” and other ”British obscenities” as she ran. (PROSE: Paying It Forward)