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Aggie was a woman who spent some time travelling the Multiverse with Scale and Abúi, also befriending Jenny Everywhere. In what Scale thought of as “the Creators' Dimension”, she was a comic artist.


Physical appearance

Scale was a woman with white skin. She was slightly taller than the shorter, thinner Scale, and also had wider hips. (COMIC: Cameo Caper 2014) She often wore a simple, light-coloured dress. (COMIC: Tales To Behold Halloween Cameo Caper 2014, Cameo Caper 2014, Caper 2014) While visiting Kokotomo Island, she also wore a matching, wide-brimmed summer hat. (COMIC: Cameo Caper 2014)


Meeting Jenny

Scale does her part to defeat the Globtroll. (COMIC: Tales To Behold Halloween Cameo Caper 2014)

At one point, Aggie was travelling across the Multiverse with Abúi and Scale when the three of them were attacked by a Globtroll as they travelled through Dimension Y. A passing Jenny Everywhere decided to lend them a hand, helping them to work together to defeat the creature, with Scale tying a snare to trip the Troll while Abùi and Aggie lured it into the portal “pit-trap” that Jenny had created. Jenny subsequently became friends with the other three. (COMIC: Tales To Behold Halloween Cameo Caper 2014)


Scale, Aggie and Abúi were invited together by Mr Montibar to the magical island of Kokotomo, alongside many other strange individuals from across the Multiverse. Strolling along the beach, they bumped into Jenny Everywhere, who was relaxing with Captain Evening and Centennia. The unexpected reunion got Jenny to tell the Captain and Centennia about her first meeting with Aggie, Abúi and Scale. (COMIC: Tales To Behold Halloween Cameo Caper 2014)

Before long, the trio became embroiled in some sort of mystery. With the sun proving hard on Scale and Abúi's complexions, the two suggested that they look for clues in the nearby forest instead of standing around on the beach. Aggie sympathised with the two “gingers”. (COMIC: Cameo Caper 2014)

Behind the scenes

Aggie is a direct in-universe counterpart of Aggie Janicot.