Sven Allestädes's magical item of clothing

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Sven Allestädes explains his item of clothing's function. (COMIC: Enchanted)

Sven Allestädes's magical item of clothing was a magical all-purpose item of clothing acquired by Sven Allestädes in one universe.

It was the work of the same tailors who created the Emperor's New Clothes — which in this world were not a con, but worked precisely as advertised. Sven's item had somewhat different enchantments, able to transform into whatever the weather desired. When not currently being worn, they reverted to a simple pair of underpants. If cut up, it would multiply into as many different items as there were pieces, each sharing the original's power. The only part of an outfit which the item did not cover was the footwear, and Sven owned a pair of magical socks with the same power that could turn into whatever socks and/or shoes he desired to complete the outfit.

After he'd had both artefacts for some time, Sven misplaced the main item during a rough shifting landing into a fantasy universe where clothing was unheard-of. The Elf Erman discovered the item and its ability to multiply, and began to make a fortune by introducing the citizens of Little Noodlington to the concepts of modesty and fashion. However, it turned out that the magic, being based on individuals' conception of clothing, had strange psychological effects on people who had previously not been aware of clothing, making them obsessed with it and ashamed of their own bodies. Realising the chaos the item was causing, Sven sacrificed it and his socks, giving the socks to the nymph Sprite so she could use them as a reagent in a magical ritual that broke both enchantments, causing all the duplicates to vanish. (COMIC: Enchanted)