Stardust the Super-Wizard (925th Universe)

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As was typical, the 925th Universe's version of Stardust the Super-Wizard was an immensely powerful entity of generally dubious morality, who nevertheless occasionally passed for some manner of superhero. He once described himself as “the Son of Suns, Master Manipulator of All Atomic Bodies, a veritable god in this domain”. (PROSE: A Series of Queer Events (2024 reedit))



Dynamite Thor described Stardust as having “an uncontrollable hatred for the general public”. (PROSE: Annals of the Jen: One Year of Jenny Over-There: Peter Thor's Day Off)

Powers & abilities

Stardust had a number of “cool powers”, such as the ability to fly. (PROSE: Annals of the Jen: One Year of Jenny Over-There: Peter Thor's Day Off) He once accidentally “deleted France” only to later bring it back into existence. (PROSE: A Series of Queer Events) He could only be cowed by the power of the Atom Smasher, which he understood to be capable of “neutralising” him. (PROSE: A Series of Queer Events (2024 reedit))


Stardust was described as an “interdimensional goliath”, and once made reference to the 925th Universe from a seemingly external perspective as “this domain”, suggesting he may have been of extra-universal origin. (PROSE: A Series of Queer Events (2024 reedit))

Although even Dynamite Thor thought he was dangerously harmful, Stardust was officially counted as a superhero, and, as such, was a member of the super-team known as the Super Besties as of early 2022. (PROSE: Open Sourcing) On one occasion, he accidentally deleted the whole of France while attempting to stop a robbery at the Louvre, (PROSE: A Series of Queer Events) deciding to rid the universe of “the criminal French” to prevent the theft of the Mona Lisa. Seventeen hours later, due to being threatened by the other SUper Besties with the Atom Smasher, (PROSE: A Series of Queer Events (2024 reedit)) he reluctantly “put [France] back” and made a public apology speech, although it was merely a P.R. matter as far as he was concerned, with him feeling no guilt over the event.

In one rotation, it was due to being forced to attend the ceremony in question, he ended up failing to show up to the 2022 Interdimensional Pride Council, where he was meant to act as the Super Besties' representative after the Man in Grey convinced the Super Besties to sponsor the Interdimensional Pride Parade, (PROSE: A Series of Queer Events) although in a later version of events, he had made his disingenuous apology speech a little earlier, with it already being printed in a newspaper when the Man in Grey, the Wogglebug and Dionysus discussed his absence. (PROSE: A Series of Queer Events (2024 reedit))

A week later, after the Council dropped all their ethically-dubious sponsors, he was seen sulking in “the most heterosexual bar [the Man in Grey] could find” at the same time as the Man in Grey and Professor Wogglebug. (PROSE: A Series of Queer Events)

He was eventually “kicked out” of the Squad due to his misanthropic attitude, as both Thor and Lady Satan knew by April 2023. (PROSE: Annals of the Jen: One Year of Jenny Over-There: Peter Thor's Day Off)

Incarnations of Stardust the Super-Wizard
Collapsed Cosmos925th UniverseReality Z-25 31-H