Santa Claus (Parallax Universe)

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A version of Santa Claus ostensibly existed in the Parallax Universe.

For Christmas 2022, Jenny Everywhere invited Professor Awesome up to the roof on Christmas night to attempt to spot the “flyover” of the figure she referred to as “the bringer of presents… the lurker at chimneys… the eater of a billion cookies”, and, later, as simply “the fat man”. Seemingly wanting to remain inconspicuous, she had borrowed Steven Lucas and Thoth's Amulet of Unheeding and was careful not to say his name out loud. Two presents were indeed supernaturally delivered to the roof, too fast for Jenny or the Professor to see the giftbringer. Jenny Cornelius was involved, with the Jenny native to this world claiming that she was “the one driving the fat man this year”, although another possible interpretation of events was that no real Santa was involved and both Jennies had set up the situation to restore the Professor's sense of wonder. (PROSE: Watch the Skies)

Incarnations of Santa Claus
Claus-025Parallax UniversePrime Universe
Other notable versions of Santa Claus
The HogfatherA Very Jenny Over-There ChristmasMore