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The Embodiments, also known as the Master Perceivers were a trio of eldritch gods who existed in the Void Between Worlds.

According to Jenny Everywhere their origins were disputed; some believed that they arose in the Void out of the amalgamated perceptions of all its other dwellers, while others claimed that they had once resided in a specific universe from which they had been banished, subsequently imposing their own perception on everyone else. However it came about, however, the perceptions of the three Embodiments of the Void provided a “consensus reality” experienced by all who travelled through the Void, thus allowing for permanent constructs inside the Void, such as the Interdimensional Tavern and the Interdimensional Hotel, to arise.

The three Embodiments were Lady Spatium (the female Embodiment of Space), Squire Psykha (the genderless Embodiment of Thought), and Lord Thymon (the male Embodiment of Time). (PROSE: The Grand Multiverse Hotel) At any one time, three Shapechildren, birthed by Lady Spatium, existed, any one of them ready to specialise themselves and take over if one of the three adult Embodiments was incapacitated. This meant that for any given Psykha and Thymon, “Lady Spatium”, in different iterations, was both a sister and a mother. For example, (PROSE: Family Business) after the current Lord Thymon was captured and romanticised by the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids, and deserted his duties to take up residence in the Cupid Homeworld, (PROSE: The Grand Multiverse Hotel) one of the three Shapechildren began to specialise into a “Tiny Thymon”. However, the maturing process took years, during which the elder Thymon remained officially in charge but was not fulfilling his duties; (PROSE: Family Business) this caused Time in the Void to become uneven and entirely relative from one individual to another, even as space and information remained consistent. (PROSE: The Grand Multiverse Hotel)