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One universe's inhabited version of the planet Mars. (COMIC: On Earth)

Mars, also known as Barsoom, was, in some universes, the fourth planet from the sun in the Solar System. (COMIC: On Earth)

In one universe, it was inhabited by humanoid beings outwardly identical to humans, known simply as Martians. (COMIC: Magician From Mars…) It had two moons, Phobos and Deimos, whose names respectively meant “Flight” and “Fear”. (COMIC: On Earth) At some point in the future of the 20th century, there was regular contact between Earth and Mars. (COMIC: Magician From Mars…)

In other universes, Mars was inhabited by octopus-like beings who made war on humanity using Tripods. (COMIC: Miss Adventure, PROSE: The Grand Multiverse Hotel)

The month before her adventures in Eccord, one universe's Jenny visited another universe's Mars, where “genetically engineered hyper-something” (either the yeast or the grain) allowed the creation of a special Martian bread which Jenny's roommate Kim agreed “smelled amazing”. She also brought home some currency from that world, appearing as “a handful of bills in shocking pastel colors”. This version of Mars had “crystal pillars by the edge of an empty sea”. Later, both Jenny and Kim mused about the possibility of locating a notorious fictional version of Mars called Barsoom, which was home to a location called Helium and people known as Therns. (PROSE: Jenny Everywhere and the Eye of Argon)