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Rhomerho Kel Llurian

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In Reality Z-25 31-H, Rhomerho Kel Llurian, or simply Rho, was a Neo-Atlantean.The brother-in-law of Commander Matthias Geist, he spent some time as the First Mate and First Medical Officer of Geist's ship the Nyhshea Eternal, before moving on to join the Guardians of Angel Falls.


Powers & abilities

Rhomerho's prismatic armour and the endo-cybernetics within his body boosted his magical abilities and made him stronger than normal. He was hundreds of years old, though this may have been a Neo-Atlantean trait rather than specific to him. (PROSE: Angel Falls: Vengeance Sought) He had been trained as a Battle Mage, although being rebuilt as a prismatic homunculus reduced his magical abilities, and could sense the signatures of other powerful beings like Matthias Geist. Geist, Rhomerho and Prince Ozarion also shared a “private telepathic link”, in which Hailey Storm could not participate as a side-effect of magical protections placed upon her by her “elusive boyfriend”. Rhomerho additionally possessed an arcane shotgun. (PROSE: Angel Falls: Vengeance)

Physical appearance

Rhomerho's prismatic armour resembled “shimmering violet-and-blue armored robes”. The helmet had diamond-shaped eyes. (PROSE: Angel Falls: Vengeance Sought)


Rhomerho Kel Llurian was originally trained as a Battle Mage of New Atlantis. As was customary, as part of his training, he was given an Arcane Courtship Brand on his palm, a magical glyph which could activate when he met his true love. (PROSE: Angel Falls: Vengeance)

He was given his prismatic armour and endo-cybernetics to make up for wounds received in battle. (PROSE: Angel Falls: Vengeance Sought) The process made him a “prismatic homunculus” and meant he could no longer be a Battle Mage. (PROSE: Angel Falls: Vengeance)

At some point, he became the First Mate and Head Medical Officer of the Nyhshea Eternal, a Neo-Atlantean ship commanded by his brother-in-law Matthias Geist.

The ship was dry-docked in Atlantis when Prince Ozarion received news that Matthias's lover and fiancée, Ms. Blitzen, had been attacked in Angel Falls by a mysterious alien parasite. Informed by the ship's A.I. Navatu, Rhomerho flew to Angel Falls with Prince Ozarion. With Blitzen not yet ready to see anyone, he busied himself with using his medical and magical knowledge to restore the powers of PhyreFrost, whom he apparently already knew, and who had also been wounded in the battle as she rescued Blitzen. He actually ended up upgrading her abilities, but warned her that she would need to train with him to learn to control them. To the amusement of the rest of the Guardians, Rhomerho chose this opportunity to share a first kiss with PhyreFrost, who agreed to begin dating him. He announced that he would transfer from the Nyhshea Eternal to the Guardians, becoming the team's full-time phyisician.

Later the same night, he joined Matthias, PhyreFrost, Hailey Storm and Ozarion on a rooftop near the Angel Falls police headquarters and agreed it was time to begin their hunt for the alien creature who had injured Emily. After making sure the call would not be intercepted by the authorities, Ozarion contacted Navatu again, asking him to track their movements remotely just in case something goes wrong. (PROSE: Angel Falls: Vengeance Sought) The group found Kate's trail easily enough, but also felt that two other presences had been to the crime scene before them: junior heroes Novastar and Wyldchild, whom they had to catch up with and confront before they continued their hunt. Though Geist gave the two a strongly-worded dressing-down, they couldn't afford to escort the wayward youths back to HQ and let the trail go cold, so they agreed to let the join the possé.

Meanwhile, Kate had been attempting to replenish her and the symbiote's strength, devouring multiple homeless people she found in the alleyways of a decaying industrial area by the coastline. However, she didn't find enough nutrients to allow the symbiote to regenerate more than the covering of her arm. She was testing out what she could do with that alone when she was cornered by the four avengers, who had been joined by Wyldechild and Novastar. What followed was not so much a battle as a one-sided beatdown as the symbiote-possessed human was hit with a blast of Ozarion's electricity, then a fireball from Hailey, then a point-blank shot from Rhomerho's arcane shotgun which “literally” melted the symbiote's “molecular structure” off her arm, and finally got knocked off the roof by joint “force blasts” from Wyldechild and Novastar.

Before Kate could get away, she was cornered by the avengers. Despite the others' uncertainty with the extent of his wrath, Matthias insisted on getting further revenge on the defeated Kate, inflicting terrible pain on her through the symbiote using the vibratastones embedded in his left gauntlet, as well as another set of supernatural gems through which he channelled the heat of a volcano, and finally stabbing Kate with his energy blade in the same spot where she'd stabbed Emily. Only then, he calmed down, admitting that he went too far and that “his wives” would be disappointed in him. He left Kate with one final threat of even worse vengeance if she should harm his loved ones again, but refrained from killing her, leaving the others to take her into custody while he stomped off. Hailey quickly encased what remains of the symbiote in a crystal sphere, leaving the wounded Kate human and defenceless once again; she was soon delivered to British authorities ready to transport her back to the UK. While Ozarion returned to the Nyhshea Eternal, and Matthias stuck around Angel Falls to help Emily through her recovery and plan out their wedding, Rho sought out Maddie again; making his way to her house, he found her already about to go to bed, but she agreed to let him sleep over on her couch so that they could talk more in the morning. As he looked out at the stars from her window, he noticed that his Arcane Courtship Brand had activated at long last. (PROSE: Angel Falls: Vengeance)