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A “back issue” of Pravda whose front page nonsensically bore the headline “Gorbachev sings tractors: Turnip! Buttocks!” was one of the items accumulated in the closet of Jenny's apartment in one universe. When she and Kim went through the closet to sort its contents, they found it again and ultimately tossed it out. (PROSE: Cleaning Day)
Behind the scenes
This is a reference to the comic strip Bloom County. In one of its most famous jokes, precocious computer whiz Oliver Wendell Jones attempted to remotely bring an end to the Cold War by introducing onto the front page of Pravda the headline, “Gorbachev Urges Disarmament: Total! Unilateral!”, only for faulty machine translation to cause the headline to read, “Gorbachev Sings Tractors: Turnip! Buttocks!”.