Jenny Everywhere (Ace Rules OK!)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

One version of Jenny Everywhere, a fairly tall, white young woman with long reddish-brown hair, once travelled up and down She first met the Fourth Doctor, nabbing his rainbow-coloured scarf, before bumping into the Seventh Doctor and Ace on an alien planet, quickly befriending the later. When the Doctor took her picture with Ace, she was wearing blue trousers, an off-white, short-sleeved shirt, and a green belt. (PROSE: Photo shoot)

Jenny watches the Doctor and Clara from a distance after graffitiing the TARDIS doors. (PROSE: Ace Rules OK!)

Later, Jenny, still wearing the rainbow scarf but having changed her outfit to brown trousers, cyan socks, white sneakers, and a cyan sweater, visited the Twelfth Doctor and Clara Oswald, keeping out of sight but graffitiing “Ace Rules OK!” on the doors of the TARDIS in yellow paint. Still holding the paint and paintbrush, she watched the two time-travellers' reactions from behind a trash-bin. (PROSE: Ace Rules OK!)

Incarnations of Jenny Everywhere
Recurring protagonists
Steven Wintle's JennyName's Not Down JennyMy Bloody Valentine JennyPreludes and Distractions JennyJhenni EverywhereReality Z-25 31-HParallax UniverseAce Rules OK! JennyJenny CorneliusHeroine's Guild Jenny3rd Universe775th Universe925th Universe38167th Universe1511th UniverseMirandaPsychopomp Jenny
Other notable versions of Jenny Everywhere
“Barbarian” Jenny“Biker” JennyCha NiGenevieve, Princess of Everywhere“Musketeer” Jenny“Ninja” JennyOriginal Parallax Jenny NowhereParallax Jenny Nowhere“Shih tzu” JennyMore