
From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In one universe, Erman was a narcissistic Elf known for his get-rich-quick schemes, which were only tempered by his lack of actual imagination.

After finding Sven Allestädes's magical item of clothing, Erman began trying it on and showing off to the other denizens of the magical forest. This angered Puddle the Troll who ripped the item apart, only for its various parts to grow back into identical duplicates of the original. Fascinated by this power, Erman started a successful business selling the items, refusing to give the original back to Sven Allestädes himself and heedless of the way in which the magic's side-effects were making the people of the city dependent on the products. Eventually, however, Sven managed to break the spell on the cloth with the help of Tash Spicer and Sprite, which led to Erman being chased out of town by an angry mob demanding refunds. (COMIC: Enchanted)

The Jenny Everywhere of the Parallax Universe was familiar with these events and compared the Puritan Streaker and Tex Tyler to Erman and Tex Tyler as examples of largely harmless villains when reassuring Kim that she could easily deal with them. Kim had never eard of Erman or Tyler, and Jenny promised to tell her about them later. (PROSE: Return of the Puritan Streaker)