The story of Cinderella was a notorious fairy tale. It involved a Fairy Godmother, and the titular character losing her shoe, which remained the only clue to her identity that her princely love interest had to go on to find her again.
There were many versions of the tale across the Multiverse which played out with a young version of Jenny Everywhere as Cinderella, and an older, more experienced incarnation of Jenny as the Fairy Godmother. When she was told about this, the 38167th Universe's version of Laura Drake decided to try acting as the Fairy Godmother to a Cinderella-Jenny; as she reflected, “I’d love to turn a pumpkin into a vehicle with science. And I can do the midnight thing, no problem. I’m always programming self-destruct sequences into things”. Other versions of Laura often filled the part of the Prince. (PROSE: Family Business)