Quinn (Infinity Apartment)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Quinn was a wandering knight and a shapeshifter, native to Ezri's home universe. After helping Ezri defeat Minrath, he became her lover, moving in with her at the Infinity Apartment.


Physical appearance

As a shapeshifter, Quinn's physical appearanc was variable. When he first met Ezri, he was a broad-shouldered white man with gray hair and dark eyes, wearing silver and blue armour and carrying a broadsword. After moving in with Ezri at the Infinity Apartment, he adopted a default appearance with shorter hair and heterochromic eyes, the right one being blue and the left one green. He wore more casual clothing, principally a dark green T-shirt and brown trousers.

He still shapeshifted on occasion. Once, coming across Jenny while in a drowsy, highly malleable state of mind, he turned into a giant, anthropomorphic ice cream clone (still with the same heterochromic eyes) because of something she said. Attempting to regain humanoid form using an image in her mind, he turned into a duplicate of Alan, once again still keeping Quinn's preferred eyes.

He also still occasionally shapeshifted on his own accord. Notably, in one instance, he shapeshifted into a seemingly female version of his default body, with longer hair tied in a ponytail, wearing a blue bathrobe, while hanging out with Jenny. (COMIC: Infinity Apartment)


Quinn was helpful and heroic. He eventually fell in love with Ezri. (COMIC: Infinity Apartment)

Powers & abilities

In addition to being handy with a broadsword, Quinn was a shapeshifter, able to turn himself into almost anything living. Though he could exercise a measure of control to keep his form stable, the forms he chose were picked out from the minds of those around him, rather than his own imagination. When in a sleepy or weakened state, he would be unable to stop himself from changing into whatever the person talking to him would think of, even if they had no intention of getting him to transform. (COMIC: Infinity Apartment)


Meeting Ezri

After Jenny Everywhere's Infinity Apartment flatmate, Ezri, recently returned to her home universe, was captured by a swarm of P-Unda, Quinn, in a wholly human-like form with dark eyes, freed her from it and escorted her to Minrath's lair, where he recognised Ezri as the Chosen One and challenged her to a game of Monopoly. (COMIC: Infinity Apartment)

In the Infinity Apartment

Six months later, when she returned to the Infinity Apartment after a period of soul-searching, Jenny walked in to find Ezri and Quinn kissing. They explained that they had been dating since the “whole Minrath thing”, with Quinn having eventually moved with Ezri at the Apartment.

The day after Jenny's return, Quinn woke up before Ezri. As he walked out of their room, he was distracted by Jenny saying something about “ice cream” and turned into an ice cream cone. He frantically asked Jenny to think himself into another, more human shape, and the equally-distracted Jenny ended up turning him into a duplicate of her own romantic interest, Alan. After Quinn was able to get a handle on his powers, he adopted a form that was a female variation of his default shape as Ezri's boyfriend, and he and Jenny got to talking over morning coffee, with Jenny telling him about the real Alan. Quinn was again present, a little while later, when Jenny revealed to all her friends that Alan, who would soon be visiting them, was a vampire. (COMIC: Infinity Apartment)