Armstrong Fatbuckle

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In Reality Z-25 31-H, New York City bon viveur Armstrong Fatbuckle was dubbed the Worst Man in the World for his rude, superior, offensive disposition. Following his death in a car accident, he proved too infuriating for even the Devil to deal with and he was banished back from Hell to the land of the living in the form of a talking, walking skeleton. The resurrected Armstrong continued to enjoy a life of wild partying and, indeed, ended up mellowing down to an extent.


Physical appearances

At the time of his death, Armstrong Fatbuckle was an ordinary-looking middle-aged Anglo-Saxon, slightly portly without being truly fat. He had short, fair hair and light-coloured eyes. After his resurrection, he appeared as a clean white skeleton, whose skull's facial features were capable of contorting to form lifelike expressions. He decided to forego wearing any clothes, no longer possessing any attributes which modesty might require him to conceal. (COMIC: Hell Is Too Good For Him)