Faceless Cyborg Ninja

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki
Revision as of 15:34, 19 February 2023 by Angela (talk | contribs)

The Faceless Cyborg Ninjas were vat-grown living weapons of various shapes and sizes, who did not appear to possess any higher intelligence of sense of self. They were used as security by the outspokenly evil super-corporation Apollo Coffee in one universe. As such, when Jenny Everywhere and her friends Clea, Lex and Bradley tried to bully Jez Cock into countermanding the order to close down Cuppa Cha Cha Cha, they had to face a horde of Faceless Cyborg Ninjas, whom they successfully defeated in battle. (COMIC: Damn Fine Hostile Takeover)

Another incarnation of Jenny later regaled the residents of the Koala Bay Bares Naturist Resort with the tale of her fight with the Faceless Cyborg Ninjas. (COMIC: Ghost Story)