Unspeakable horror

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Revision as of 15:55, 29 April 2022 by Angela (talk | contribs)

In one universe, an interdimensional “unspeakable horror” invaded the plumbing of Junter and Ibdis's apartment.


After Junter accidentally turned the toilet ball of his and Ibdis's bathroom into an interdimensional portal, (COMIC: Eldritch A-bowl-mination) an eldritch being came through and took over the bathroom, locking it from the inside. After hearing it laughing, (COMIC: Evil Bathroom) Junter and Ibdis entered and got a direct look at the entity, appearing as a mess of tentacles, pincers, and eyes on stalks. It attacked one of the Junterlings. (COMIC: Eldritch A-bowl-mination)

Junter attempted to defeat it, but was unsuccessful, although Junter's efforts did cause the creature to spit out a letter of invitation to Kokotomo Island. In the end, Junter and Ibdis conned Mr Norman into buying the apartment from them, without having gotten rid of the horror. (COMIC: A Letter From Beyond)