Mad Scientist

Mad Scientist

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Professor Awesome, a self-proclaimed Mad Scientist from the Parallax Universe. (PROSE: Misunderstandings)

A Mad Scientist was a particular class of scientist, known for theatrics and recklessness and for easily achieving fantastical results. They practiced what was sometimes termed “mad science”.

In many cases, “mad scientist” was a pejorative. Despite her flair for the dramatic and the variety and remarkable qualities of her various inventions, the Laura Drake of the 775th Universe was self-conscious about being called a “mad scientist” by some, and insisted that she didn't count as one, as she always followed proper safety protocols and didn't mean to be a danger to anyone. (COMIC: The Demon and the Butterfly)

However, there were some who actively identified as Mad Scientists. They included Frankenstein-818 of the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids, who had apprenticed under the real Baron Victor Frankenstein. As a mad scientist, it was “simply in his nature” to include “defects and kooky side-effects” in everything he built, even though he genuinely wanted to make the world better with every invention. He sometimes programmed the more interesting features “subconsciously”, only realising with the benefit of hindsight quite what he'd done. (PROSE: The Ghosts and the Machine)

Professor Awesome, Jenny Everywhere's teen genius neighbour in the Parallax Universe, also explicitly considered himself a “mad scientist”, as opposed from merely being smart. (PROSE: Misunderstandings)

John-181 and Tom-176 recognised Doctor Curious's laboratory as “the mad science kind, not the hospital-white industrial kind”. (PROSE: The Companions of Doctor Curious)

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