Fox universe

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Peter “Dynamite” Thor and Glenda Sif both originated in the Foxverse, (PROSE: Lovie Dovie Stuff, Open Sourcing (2024 reedit)) or Fox universe, (PROSE: Open Sourcing) before moving to the 925th Universe.

Peter had not been the only superhero in that universe, with Glenda having previously dated the unrelated Grant Farrel-alias-Thor. (PROSE: Lovie Dovie Stuff) Other heroes who had helped “clean up the streets” in Thor's native universe included the Spider Queen, the Dart, and Electro. (PROSE: Open Sourcing (2024 reedit)) When Dynamite Thor first donned his superhero persona, there was “gangs around every corner” and “a war going on” as well as stranger happenings such as “someone g[i]v[ing] a gorilla a human brain…”. (PROSE: A Series of Queer Events (2024 reedit))

Dynamite Thor was, in a metafictional sense, once “bound” to the “Fox universe”; (PROSE: Open Sourcing) he explained that, although he wasn't very good at “the metaphysical stuff”, he understood himself to have become unbound from the Foxverse because “Fox Features Syndicate never registered or renewed the copyright”. Eventually, feeling he was becoming redundant, he moved to the 925th Universe with the help of a friend from the Foxverse who owned a “multidimensional thingamajig”. (PROSE: Open Sourcing (2024 reedit)) He was soon hired as an intern by the Multidimensional Finders Service, and would go on to help Glenda join him there circa December 2022; (PROSE: Lovie Dovie Stuff) when Thor did his Christmas shopping at the Dibbsy Store, Glenda was still living in her original universe, in Texas. (PROSE: A Very Jenny Over-There Christmas (2024 reedit))