Nowhere (short story)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Nowhere was a Jenny Everywhere story written by Creepingmonsterism, the third of the 30 Days of Jenny series. It is the only story in the series not to feature Jenny Everywhere herself, but rather the yin to her yang, Jenny Nowhere.



The terrifying shadowless woman known simply as Jenny Nowhere has a message to deliver…


Jenny Nowhere

  • Jenny Nowhere claims she “lost” her name a long time ago.
  • She does not cast a shadow.

Behind the scenes


Jenny Nowhere by Heromachine.png

A short time after publishing this story, Jeanne Morningstar posted a description and a Heromachine visualisation of their version of Jenny Nowhere as well as an explanation of her characterisation. In the author's comments on Nowhere, Morningstar noted, “I’ll tell the story of who and what she is someday, but it’d probably be far too long and complex for Ficly.”

Read online

Preludes and Distractions was made available on Ficly, at this link and on the author's Tumblr blog, at this link.