Koala Bay Bares Naturist Resort

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki
Revision as of 14:37, 17 March 2022 by Angela (talk | contribs)
Aerial view of the Koala Bay Bares Naturist Resort. (COMIC: Ghost Story)

The Koala Bay Bares Naturist Resort was a lush naturist resort in one universe.

Owned and run by Loxie Smith and Zoot Jensen, the Resort catered both to a small number of permanent residents and to tourists on holiday. It neighbored the property of Tex Tyler, a grouch who disapproved of nudism and often concocted cockamamie plots intended to force the “nudies” out of the Resort and, by the same token, out of his field of vision.

Jenny Everywhere first shifted to the Resort by accident, but greatly enjoyed her stay (COMIC: Ghost Story). Other interdimensional individuals who visited the Resort and came to befriend its community despite initial apprehensions included the dimension-travelling fairy, Abúi. (COMIC: Incognito) and Sven Allestädes (COMIC: Enchanted). Jenny and Abui both later returned of their own volition; Jenny praised it as “the most peaceful place in the Multiverse” (COMIC: The Nicest Place in the Universe), and has been seen in background cameos during other stories, usually chatting with Mungo.