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In an unidentified continuity prior to the collapse of the Multiverse, Trashman was a superhero member of the League of Liberation alongside Jenny Everywhere, Glendalf, the Magician from Mars, Butterfly, Ace Harlem and Madam Fatal. The League was part of the Sixth International and dedicated to opposing the Sixth Column, a cult which worshipped Stardust the Super-Wizard. Of the team, Trashman was the one who most ardently believed in the International's ideals beyond the immediate goal of defeating Stardust.

Glendalf, in the Collapsed Cosmos, remembered him as a “deeply frustrating man”, principally because he wore a lot of leather and yet remained “desperately heterosexual”. However, his, Jenny and Octobriana's memories of him were tinted by the fact that he had ultimately died in tragic circumstances, prompting the League to disband, during the climactic battle in 1968 which also saw Stardust himself finally destroyed. (PROSE: The Hermetic Garbage of Jenny Everywhere)

Behind the scenes

Trashman, alias Harry Barnes, was a 1960s underground comic character, who fell into the public domain due to a lack of proper copyright notice on his debut issue of East Village Other (as per U.S. copyright law at the time). The Sixth International itself also originates from the 1960s Trashman comics.

External links