Jenny Nowhere

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki
Revision as of 13:34, 10 August 2020 by Angela (talk | contribs)

Jenny Nowhere was Jenny Everywhere's antithesis and one of her most persistent foes throughout the multiverse; though not as ubiquitous as Everywhere, Nowhere existed in a wide array of the universe, and shared Jenny's ability to shift in body or in mind from one to the next — although unlike her benevolent counterpart's, all of Jenny Nowhere's selves tended to have distinct styles and personalities with no particular unifying trait aside from her evil.






Team-up with Ketchum

Jenny Nowhere gloating over Jenny Everywhere. (COMIC: Truth Serum)

One version of Jenny Nowhere, who had pale eyes, long blonde hair, and the classic black outfit, teamed up with evil chemist Caleb Ketchum as part of some scheme which involved tracking down a rabbi in hiding. They managed to capture Jenny Everywhere and feed her truth serum, but found, to their disappointment, that she didn't actually know the answers to their questions. (COMIC: Truth Serum)

Behind the scenes



Notes & References