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Briar, known in one of her possible futures as Acantha and as the Echo, was a human girl who became a companion to dimensional traveller Century Smith. Shortly after being bitten by an Invisible Vampyre on Sanguivor, she became embroiled in a scheme of Jenny Nowhere which temporarily split her timeline in two.


Physical appearance

Briar was a fairly ordinary human girl. At 19, she looked quite young. As Acantha, she still looked much the same, only paler and with a pair of thin vampire fangs. She took to wearing a complicated, black aristocratic outfit emblasoned with a red lowercase Alpha over a smaller black cloak. After Acantha and the human Briar merged into one being, Briar retained the aristocratic garments but removed the 'alpha', since she rejected the name “Acantha”. (PROSE: Century Smith and the Time Terror)


Shortly after she began travelling with Century Smith, Briar remained quite overwhelmed by the revelations he made to her about the nature of reality, and the sheer spectacle of aliens, strange interdimensional locales, and so on. However, she was courageous and resourceful despite her near-constant state of shock. She was deeply kind, always looking for a solution to an issue that would work out for everyone, sometimes at the expense of taking easy ways out that involved needlessly harming enemies. As Acantha, on the other hand, she had become embittered and selfish, jealous of her other self to the point of wishing her destruction for the sheer satisfaction of now being the only real version of Briar, neglecting options that would keep both of them alive. (PROSE: Century Smith and the Time Terror)

Powers & abilities

As Acantha, Briar gained vampiric abilities, including transforming into a bat at will, an ability which the recomposited Briar retained after she merged with Acantha. She created the Shadow Pathways, which could be used for teleporting, both across universes or on a small scale. Acantha also had the knowledge necessary to engineer a time loop as she fell out of reality towards the Oblivion. (PROSE: Century Smith and the Time Terror)

Behind the scenes

Notes & references

  1. First appearance in directly Jenny Everywhere-related media; actual debut was in 2021's Century Smith and the Invisible Evil.