
From Jenny Everywhere Wiki
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Crowley, officially Anthony J. Crowley but rarely answering to that full name, existed in at least one universe as an Demon who lived on Earth and was the official nemesis, as well as actual best friend, of his angelic counterpart, Aziraphale. As a demon, he was capable of shape-shifting, something he often used to play mild pranks, but he rarely engaged in anything truly evil. (PROSE: You've Been To Eden, I Perceive)

In Jenny Cornelius's world

In one universe, he and Jenny Cornelius were acquainted with each other through their mutual friend, though they both found the other’s presence awkward. Nonetheless he once tipped her off about a demonic incursion on the grounds that "you're a busybody." Doing so possibly saved the Earth, so it's likely he won't tell his bosses about it. (PROSE: Birds and Snakes)

Behind the scenes

Crowley on the original cover of the Good Omens novel.

Crowley is one of the major figures of the Good Omens novel and adaptations, with which You've Been To Eden, I Perceive was an unofficial crossover — although the continuity in which it takes place is not quite the setting of any of the official versions of the story, mixing and matching details from the book and the TV miniseries. The character was portrayed by Peter Serafinowicz in the 2014 radio drama adaption, and David Tennant in the 2019 live-action series.

External links

Concepts from Good Omens in Jenny Everywhere media
Adam YoungAziraphaleCrowley
Biggles Goes to Mars