Prince Guy
In one magical world, Prince Guy was an adventurous “knight in shining armour”-type, who routinely rode out on his “armoured steed” to perform various heroic deeds. His skills were not limited to physical combat, as evidenced by his having once bested the infamous Centaur of the Crossroads in a rhyming contest.
At some point, Prince Guy began accompanying Genevieve, Princess of Everywhere on her adventures and the beginnings of a romantic entanglement formed between them. A damper on their relationship was, however, put by his transformation into a talking pig by the Witch of the Blue Hills. Genevieve set out in her dream spinner to find Mordorak of the Nine Noses, a wizard who she believed could change Guy back (as well as Guy's horse, which had also been turned into a pig by the potion tossed at them from her tower by the Witch). (PROSE: Pit Stop)