
From Jenny Everywhere Wiki
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In one universe, Gog was a Gnome who lived with Mim in a mushroom-house near Little Noodlington.

Mim and Gog met Janet Jenkins when she visited their world as a child, and they subsequently served as the model for the hand-crafted garden gnomes grown-up Janet took to creating. Decades later, they were the first denizens of the fantasy world encountered by Sven Allestädes, Tash Spicer and Abúi after they shifted in from Janet's universe. Their mushroom-house served as a base for the group as they attempted to put an end to Erman's misuse of Sven Allestädes's magical item of clothing. (COMIC: Enchanted)

Some time later, Abúi, now travelling across dimensions with more accuracy, visited the Koala Bay Bares Naturist Resort in Tash's world in the company of Gog and Mim, Jai-Jai, Sprite and Puddle. (COMIC: The Nicest Place in the Universe)