From Jenny Everywhere Wiki
Revision as of 20:56, 23 January 2022 by Angela (talk | contribs)

ALRO613 was a Ficly user (and, previously, a Ficlets user) who wrote two parts of Our Strange and Wonderful House: one was an appendix, entitled The Other Side, spinning of from Elsha Hawk's chapter The Library, while the other was a proper chapter, The Cellar.

His author's-bio on Ficly read:

Another one of the refugees from the old Ficlets site. See my old FICLETS HERE!

Not much to say about me really. I write. I play music. I write music. And I enjoy reading Ficly-Stories.

I’ve been writing since high-school – which was so long ago, we walked to school in 4ft of snow with no shoes on and bread at the store cost a penny… ok.. .25 cents.. but i was able to get 10 candies for 5 cents.

SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED AND WON NANOWRIMO 2008, by writing a novel over 60,000 words long called: Amethyst: Outer-Rim based on a Ficlets series written here!

I've been bestowed the great honour of being part of the brother-and-sisterhood known as: the League of Awesome. Henceforth I shall bear the monicker: The Master of the +10 Guitar of Awesomeness!

“Read, Reply. Ficlet or die!”— Krulltar


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