Jenny Everywhere Vs Hell (comic story)

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Jenny Everywhere Vs Hell was a standalone Jenny Everywhere comic story created by Withiel S. Black. It was announced as Part 1 of a duology, with the second half meant to come out in early 2006, although there is no evidence that any such thing was ever actually released.

Notably, the story may have been the first to depict Jenny Everywhere in a comitted relationship with another woman, although it was not the first work to suggest Jenny wasn't straight.



One morning, as she is waking alongside her girlfriend, Jenny Everywhere is somehow dragged out of her universe to the gates of Hell. To her dismay, she finds herself unable to shift away as a jeering demon leads her through the gate and explains that she is to face eternal damnation for her “sins”.

A sulking, unimpressed Jenny is taken before a robotic demon-judge, who promptly finds her guilty of “multiple infringements on the divine plan for Mankind' sexual behaviour, wearing mixed fabrics, and not making any of the correct animal sacrifices”. To Jenny's bafflement, the “ironic punishment” the Judge then proclaims is that she is to have “a big goat stuck to her head”. Apologetic, her demon-guide explains that Hell ran out of interesting ideas for ironic punishments a decade ago or so, and have been playing it by ear since then.

Having had enough of this nonsense, Jenny kicks the goat away as it is being brought. This results in her being forcibly teleported once again, however, this time in front of the Devil himself. Although an imposing presence who attempts to shame her for her behaviour, Jenny quickly talks down the Devil, highlighting that his attempts to shame Jenny for being gay and generally non-conformist has about as much effect as the similar rhetoric used by “[her] granny when [she] was fifteen”.

Revealing her nature as an interdimensional, ubiquitous being to the Devil, she draws on the mental fortitude she has gained to kick down the Devil from his throne. Willing herself into a gleaming suit of armour, Jenny declares that the Devil's reign is at an end and that “this is Day One of the Republic of Hell”.



  • Jenny Everywhere appears in an incarnation who wears an orange vest and a blue scarf. She also wears red lipstick. This incarnation of Jenny apparently has a modern, ordinary life, although she is also perfectly in control of her shifting and aware of her wider nature.



  • The Devil's perspective is apparently limited to one universe; he gives no hints of having a similar multi-dimensional scope to the Shifter's.
  • Hell ran out of ideas for ironic punishments “around 1993”.


Behind the scenes

Read online

Jenny Everywhere Vs Hell was originally available on “The Rhexis”. As it is no longer online, we reproduce the six pages of Jenny Everywhere Vs Hell here.

Notes & References