
From Jenny Everywhere Wiki
Revision as of 15:05, 11 May 2024 by Johnny Righthere (talk | contribs) (power notes)

Block was a superhero from Universe Gemini. He is invulnerable, even tougher than his half-brother Zed, but lacks Zed's flight and eye beams.

Before being killed in the line of duty, Hardcore left behind a number of children: one, Kid Hardcore, was legitimate, while the rest, including Block, Plus, Queensize, Presto and Zed Hudson, were half-siblings by as many different mothers. However, all inherited superpowers from their father, and later attempted to continue his legacy, with the exception of Zed, who preferred a normal life. (COMIC: Zed Vs. The Backstory)

Though seemingly slightly annoyed by their presence, Zed invited Presto and Block alongside several friends of his to a meeting at a café so that he could introduce a new friend, the alien girl Neila, to them. (COMIC: Zed Vs. The Introductions)

Later, Block insisted on having a serious conversation with Zed about why he always give his other half-siblings the cold shoulder, even though they were both being shot at by masked goons, which was more of a minor inconvenience to them given that they were both bullet-proof. Block was apologetic when Zed admitted that he didn't have anything against them personally but didn't like to be around them because they were a reminder of his father's absence, and also because they'd all had better home lives than Zed. (COMIC: Zed Vs. Family Ties)