Zed Vs. Eyes Wide Open (comic story)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki
Revision as of 00:37, 26 August 2023 by Oliver Mitchell (talk | contribs)

Zed vs. Eyes Wide Open was a one-page comic story by Johann-Octavius Gans, the twentieth installment of the Zed Vs. The World.



Spotting the local superhero known as Criterion on a rooftop, Zed Hudson swoops down to greet him. The beefy hero is patrolling the part of the city known as "The Village" for danger by way of using his enhanced vision powers. "Literally looking for trouble", as Zed comments.

Zed cautions his colleague that in The Village, it is best to patrol on street level instead of using special vision powers, as the denizens of that area tend to be a bit ... 'libertine' and exhibitionist as far as their habits and hobbies go. Criterion, being sort of a 'Boy Scout' hero is mildly traumatized at having seen... something with his vision that apparently involved nudity and kitchen utensils.




Behind the scenes

Read online

Zed Vs. The Introductions is available online on TheDuckWebcomics.com.